Room Up Top -Drawing on the Yellow Buses
These drawings were made during a six-week long mobile artist residency, travelling on Yellow Buses around Bournemouth and Poole in January/February 2014.
The drawings are made without looking at the paper and use a pencil to record the unique circumstances of a particular journey. As I tend to get travel sick, I look outside and mark the paper as I pass along the route.
The drawings are a semblance of what I see and the landscape that I pass through. They may include just a flicker of a landmark or become many layers of these flickers. The marks build up over a single journey to create a kind of alternative map of my route and belong to a specific time and date.
Each drawing is named after an individual bus route I travelled on.
I have made these kinds of drawings since 2008, usually as a passenger on a motorway car journey.
These are the first bus drawings I have made.
Denise Poote
February 2014